Induction vacuum furnaces
Company TET Estel in cooperation with partners performs the development and supply of vacuum induction furnaces for different procedures under operating temperature to 2200°C. When the induction furnace is designed for metals and their alloys melting the provision is made for rotation gear to discharge metal or for bottom discharge. Siphon metal spillage is available. Casting form can be manufactured as heated one on Customer’s demand with use of second inductor inclusively. Furnaces can be provided with cooling water run-around system, if required.
Furnace power and inductor operating frequency is to be calculated depending on the specific heating conditions (loading material, its mass, density). Thyristor frequency inverter (TFC) adjusted automatically for effective frequency during procedure as a source of the increased frequency.
Depending on the procedure requirements can be used metal melting pots (Ta, Nb, W), graphite melting pots (including additionally pyrosealed), ceramic pots on the basis of MgO, Al2O3 and stabilized with calcium or ittrium ZrO2, melting pots of hyperthermal concrete and also packed melting pots made of hyperthermal ceramic powders with corresponding coupling agents.
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